Monarch Butterfly Drawing

Discover how to brand a monarch butterfly drawing.

Sharpen a pencil and follow along with these bones 6 drawing steps. Y'all volition learn the basics for drawing a monarch butterfly.

This lesson just takes most xx minutes and has a PDF most the bottom of the lesson y'all tin hands print or download. The pdf packet even contains a coloring book folio with just the line art. This accompanies perfectly with crayons, colored pencils, or markers. It is ideal for very young children in the need of extra guidance and are looking to color in a monarch butterfly.

Enjoy creating a colorful monarch butterfly drawing and remember to add some individual touches. Now allow's get started.


  • Pencil
  • Drawing Paper
  • Crayons or Colored Pencils
  • Black Marking (optional)
  • Monarch Butterfly Drawing Printable PDF (see bottom of lesson)

Monarch Butterfly Drawing: All Steps

In this tutorial, nosotros volition observe how to create a monarch butterfly cartoon on paper. To look the best, nosotros volition consider the diverse sizes and shapes of each part of the monarch butterfly. The new lines in each step is drawn in bluish so you tin can identify the current parts that you lot will be working on.

Time Needed: 20 minutes

  1. Start With The Body

    Monarch Butterfly Drawing: Step 1

    Draw a long vertical oval in the middle of your paper.

  2. Add The Head And Antennae

    Monarch Butterfly Drawing: Step 2

    And then, depict a minor circle above the body. Add together the antennae on the top left and right of the head.

  3. Describe The Tail

    Monarch Butterfly Drawing: Step 3

    Add a smaller long oval below the body. Add together parallel horizontal lines inside.

  4. Outline The Butterfly Wings

    Monarch Butterfly Drawing: Step 4

    The Monarch Butterfly has wide wings. Add the bigger ones above and the smaller ones below.

  5. Add Details In The Wings

    Monarch Butterfly Drawing: Step 5

    To finish your line cartoon, add together the details within the wings, merely similar in the demonstration.

  6. Complete Your Drawing

    Monarch Butterfly Drawing: Step 6

    Let us color the Monarch Butterfly with shades of orange and blackness for the body and wings. We should also add together white and yellowish spots surrounding the wings.

Monarch Butterfly Drawing PDF Download

Click the link below to view or download this drawing lesson. The PDF is a printable drawing lesson for Monarch Butterfly Drawing. The final page of the downloadable PDF includes a coloring book folio with just the outlines and an extension exercise for prompting kids to become creative!

About Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies are a type of butterfly that is best known for their annual migration. They wing thousands of miles each year to notice a new abode.

Monarchs can too exist found all over North America, and they prefer to feed on milkweed plants

Monarchs are seasonally active, meaning that they will cease migrating once the temperatures start to cool downwards at the cease of summer. They volition spend the winter hibernating, often in groups, until bound when they will return to begin their migration once more.

Eggs go butterflies subsequently undergoing a complicated process called metamorphosis, which ordinarily takes nigh a month.

This incredible life cycle involves four stages:

  1. Egg
  2. Larva
  3. Pupa
  4. Adult

The first stage of life is as an egg laid past a female on a leaf or blossom bud of a host plant. As soon as information technology hatches from its egg, it becomes what is called a lar

The first stage of life is as an egg laid by a female on a leaf or blossom bud of a host found afterward she has been fertilized by a male during mating. As soon as information technology hatches from its egg, it becomes what is referred to as the larva…this is basically a caterpillar!

The larva would and then start to develop into the pupa which is when they form a restful casing. This is the final stage before the butterfly emerges from the pupa and starts to live as an adult with wings.

When you encounter a butterfly flight around information technology has reached machismo.


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