Nexon Update Information Wont Let Me Save and Continue

Greetings Lords, This is Fantasy War Tactics R Development Team

We sincerely thank you for all the enthusiasm and support you've been showing to us after the launch of Season 2. We are deeply touched by your concerns and passions towards the game and as gratitude, we've been monitoring your opinions in community sites and preparing for the upcoming updates.

Today, we're going to talk about new contents and user experience revision that many Lords have been complaining about.

1. Contents

First of all, let us introduce the upcoming new contents.

'Battle Arena' will be updated shortly and new areas in world conquest, new scenario in Skybrary and new hero awakening will also be updated.

1) Battle Arena

First of all, 'Battle Arena' mode is in development phase and we are looking forward to apply it in the game by the end of June. Battle Arena is a new PvP mode where you play with rules that change weekly, using various heroes.

The main feature of Battle Arena is that new rules and hero combinations are applied to the mode weekly. You can develop your own strategy, depending on this week's rule and hero parings to achieve victory.

We're aware how 'grinding' other contents are, and so we won't make Battle Arena repetitive and you will be able to get weekly rewards easily if you meet the weekly requirements. Of course, depending on your skills, you will be able to get greater rewards.

We expect Battle Arena to provide you with different aspect of 'fun' from standard game play and battle mode. Please look forward to it.

2) World Conquest

As we've already mentioned this before, we will be updating an area in a month or two. We will continue adding new stories for Sia continent on regular basis, so please look forward to new upcoming stories.

And also, we've been hearing lots of opinions of difficulty in Sia Continent. We've been hearing how hard it is to continue the scenario or how hard it is to recruit new heroes. So, we will be re-balancing the overall difficulty of Sia continent in the middle of June. We will make constant adjustments on new areas and will develop the game to satisfy as many Lords as possible.

3) About Hero Awakening

We really want to awaken as many heroes as fast as we can but we're having a delay, as hero awakening is a time-consuming development. We're looking for the way to shorten the development time of hero awakening and promise to accelerate the process.

In June, Lance and Jack will be awakened. Please check the awakening skills of them on the separate post that will be uploaded shortly.

Also, Kai, Carrot, Lance, and Jack will be re-balanced. Please look forward to their re-balance like Alfred, Deborah and Sraka.

4) New Scenario in Skybrary

New Scenario will be added in Skybrary. It will be updated in the end of June, and we can't disclose what scenario will be added but it will be something unusual from other scenarios in current Skybrary.

2. User Experience Revision

As we've told you before, we are concerned about many progress that can ease your fatigue.

We're trying to revise the contents that most of Lords feel tired of: Equipment enhance/equip progress and guild raid. Please refer below for more details about revisions in development phase.

1) Equipment enhance and Refinement Stones

We know that lots of you feel uncomfortable about consuming time on enhancing and refining various equipment items. To solve this problem, we will be adding 'fixed enhancement' function.

Fixed enhancement will make your equipment +9 legendary quality with a single click, at the cost of Gold and Refinement Stones. It can only be used on +8 or lower equipment items and we expect this function to greatly decrease your time spent on refining since it can be done with a single click.

Also, we've been hearing some complaint about the shortage of Refinement Stones. So, 'Chaos' difficulty will be added on Refinement Stone Dungeons. Chaos difficulty will have higher energy efficiency compared to existing dungeons, and will make you gather Refinement Stones faster than before.

Fixed enhancement system and Chaos difficulty on Refinement Stone Dungeon will be updated in the middle of June.

2) Battle of Honor Party revision. Mercenary and Guild Mercenary save function.

Battle of Honor Party setting revision and Mercenary/Guild Mercenary save function will be added. These functions will decrease your time spent on equipment changes.

First of all, Battle of Honor Party will be divided into two decks: Attack and Defense. Attack deck is the one you will be using when attacking others just like the current system. On the other hand, Defense deck is the deck that AI will be using when other players are attacking you. Also, the equipment information of defense deck will be saved so even if the equipment of hero in defense deck is changed, the equipment status of defense deck won't change from the moment you set the hero on the defense deck.

World Conquest Mercenary and Guild Raid Mercenary's equipment status will also be saved so those mercenaries' equipment status won't change even if you remove the equipment from the mercenaries.

By this revision, we look forward to solve the problem where you had to lose frequently on the Battle of Honor when playing other contents and where you had to keep changing your mercenaries' equipment for your friends and guild mates.

Battle of Honor Party Revision and Mercenary save function will be updated at the end of June.

3) Party + Equipment Information Preset Function

We've been hearing lots of opinions about how inconvenient it is to change equipment and heroes corresponding to the various contents. So, we're adding a new function that will make it possible to save equipment and hero information depending on the content.

Once you save your hero on the party with all of his/her gear and save, you will be able to load the hero with his/her gears equipped at the point of your save.

With this function, you will be able to set heroes conveniently when playing various contents without any stress in changing equipment.

Party + Equipment Information Save Function will be updated around July or August.

4) Guild Raid Revision

Many of you are giving us opinions about how grinding the guild raid is. So we will be revising the guild raid.

The problem of guild raid was that it takes too much time to play daily and the reward of it wasn't so satisfying, compared to the time consumption.

So, we will be decreasing the daily clear count of Guild Raid to 1 and will revise the clear time and reward more reasonably. We will also be supporting another play method to allow you to test strategies on guild raid.

Also, we will be adding guild name change function, Guild member management function.

This revision will be updated around July to August. We will be introducing specific details about the revision in the future when things get more solid.

These are the updates and user experience revision we've been preparing. We hope this answers your questions about updates.

Please understand that due to the development environment, we cannot apply all the revisions and updates at once. But we will put our efforts to make your gameplay better with constant updates. Also, please understand that update schedules and contents may change.

We will always stay tuned to your opinions and complaints, and we will do whatever we can to make your gameplay better.

We will do our best to become the development team that listens to your opinions carefully and creates more fun and exciting contents

Thank you.



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